Technical Services

Key Factors in Choosing High-Quality Filter Media

Selecting the right filter media, though time-consuming, ensures extended bag life, enhanced performance, reduced maintenance, and fewer environmental hazards. It involves understanding process parameters and media performance under various conditions to achieve optimal filtration.


Leak Monitoring

The fluorescent powder leak detection test is an effective method for identifying dust leaks, cracks, tears, or holes within a Baghouse system. This test utilizes non-toxic fluorescent powder that reacts to ultraviolet (UV) light, allowing for precise detection of leaks. By applying the powder and using a UV lamp in complete darkness, the system highlights any leakage points without the need for individual bag inspections. This method streamlines the inspection process, making it faster and more efficient while ensuring accurate results.


Analyzing Early Bag Failure Problems

Our testing procedures, adhering to DIN standards, offer a detailed analysis of premature bag failure and residual bag life. Key tests include visual inspection, permeability, Mullen burst, tensile strength, fabric weight, and both microscopic and spectroscopic (FTIR) analysis. We also assess particle size distribution and provide comprehensive test reports and conclusions. These rigorous evaluations help identify failure causes and ensure optimal bag performance and longevity.


Performance Evaluation

Our testing procedures, adhering to DIN standards, offer a detailed analysis of premature bag failure and residual bag life. Key tests include visual inspection, permeability, Mullen burst, tensile strength, fabric weight, and both microscopic and spectroscopic (FTIR) analysis. We also assess particle size distribution and provide comprehensive test reports and conclusions. These rigorous evaluations help identify failure causes and ensure optimal bag performance and longevity.


Performance Evaluation

Our testing procedures, adhering to DIN standards, offer a detailed analysis of premature bag failure and residual bag life. Key tests include visual inspection, permeability, Mullen burst, tensile strength, fabric weight, and both microscopic and spectroscopic (FTIR) analysis. We also assess particle size distribution and provide comprehensive test reports and conclusions. These rigorous evaluations help identify failure causes and ensure optimal bag performance and longevity.